November 6, 2018
Finish the drive train
Program the linear slide arms
Figure out places to put parts
The programming team is trying to work with some code that he needs to work on and others are learning how to program a linear slide arm.
The Build team adding the expansion hubs and slim robot batteries. They are also fixing the linear motor arms so it runs more smoothly.
November 14, 2018
Getting Androids hooked up
Get drive train going
Attach new bevel gears
Coding Team
We were finally able to run code on the robot today. The telemetry works great, but the arm has yet to be completed, both in terms of programming and construction
Building Team
The build team replaced the arm sticking off the side of the linear slide with two bevel gears to compact the design. However, in the process, the latching hook got in the way and a new design needs to be made for the hook.
November 26, 2018
Work on Autonomous
Get robot ready to drive
Managing Wires
The Build team sorted the wires from the drive train. Instead of routing all the wires to one hub, they rewired it so each would go to the hub on its respective side. This allowed the arm to rotate without running into any wires
Getting Code to Work
Something updated since the last meeting, which caused a lot of dependencies to not be loaded. Most of the meeting was spent waiting 2-7 minutes for each dependency since we only knew which ones were missing from the compile errors.
Attaching Worm Gear
Our team finally received our worm gear this week and attached it to the robot.